We do not entertain the lofty ideal of the so called “Co-operative Movement”. For it is not the reality, not consistent with modern day philosophy of running a commercially successful business entity. It has to face and survive in fierce competition from entities in co-operative financial sector as well as private and public sectors. For this, it requires governance with wisdom, knowledge of business principles and practices and vision. And it needs management with professional education, expertise, experience and efficiency. Being closer to the community than anybody else in the sector is both our strength and weakness. The governance must have the discretion, desire and determination to make it a source of strength. Democratic governance is our special feature but voting on caste, community, creed and even cash benefits basis, personal relationship and vested business interests is spoiling the constitution of governance. One of several remedies is to make the shareholder, a ”stakeholder”. This is the motive behind Active Membership Concept. We have taken a step in the direction.
We have a history of 40 years, with hiccups and highs. The former have made us wise, the latter are giving us inspiration. Our endeavor is to build a cooperative model-vibrant, healthy and modern in business and technology. To keep abreast of technological advancements with the embedded motive of customer convenience and better internal management practices.